DSI Management offers a full contingent of management services in long-term residential facilities, services for the elderly and developmentally disabled, home health services and real estate management. With over 40 years in business, we draw upon proven techniques and sound principles to ensure safe, efficient operations.
• Regulatory Compliance - DSI employs seasoned professionals with a thorough understanding of healthcare statutes, rules and regulations to oversee practices within facilities. Aggressive training and in-service practices help hold employees to a high standard of performance.
• Policies and Procedures - DSI offers tailored personnel and operating policies that comply with applicable statutes and regulations.
• Legislative Monitoring - DSI vigorously monitors proposed legislation affecting the health care industry and is active in trade associations to help with this endeavor. Our lobbying efforts have helped forestall what could have been disastrous budget cuts from State funded programs.
• Staffing Ratios - DSI has the experience and working knowledge to develop and maintain effective and regulatory compliant staffing ratios. This will help to ensure that you are able to meet the needs of your organization.
• Licensing - DSI has 40+ years of experience in obtaining and maintaining State and Federal healthcare licenses and permits. Our staff have developed a working rapport with many state offices and have a comfortable familiarity with the licensing processes.
• Contract Negotiations and Monitoring - Let DSI's experienced staff navigate the details of extensive contract negotiations for you. We have systems in place to monitor every aspect of active contracts so that the contract is fulfilled.
• Budgeting - DSI helps develop annual budgets and then monitors expenditures monthly.